A campaign to conserve the Belknap Mountains and trails in Alton and Gilford, New Hampshire.

Monday, January 6, 2014

LCHIP Award Lifts Campaign to $1.4 Million!

This aerial shows the Mt. Major summit in the foreground
 and a spectacular autumn view of  Lake Winnipesaukee.
Photo by Bill Hemmel.

Bafflin Foundation Adds $50,000 

It's a great week for the Everybody Hikes Mt. Major Campaign! The Land and Community Heritage Investment Program (LCHIP) announced today that it will provide $340,000 for the campaign, matching the combined donations of the towns of Gilford and Alton. And the Bafflin Foundation, based in Providence, R.I., is providing a $50,000 grant. These two new grants bring the fundraising total to $1.4 million, leaving $400,000 to go.